Robotpencil alias ANTHONY JONES développe un Spin off sur les persos du monde de Mario. Si vous ne connaissez pas cet illustrateur, je vous conseil bien sur de découvrir l’ensemble de ses illustrations. Avec une thématique sombre (monstres & co) vous allez découvrir pleins de beaux dessins… 🙂 En attendant, admirez les illustrations « Mario » à la sauce dessins 🙂
Mario – Is a beat down Plumber and leads a lonely but modest life. He can barely pay his rent and is coming off a drug called « Star. » little does he know that he is destined for great things
Peach – She is a successful actress/model and is working her way to the top! unfortunately most of her fame has been due to the help of mob boss Bowser, which leads her into some trouble later on down the road.
Luigi – Is the brother of Mario. They used to work together until something took a hold of Luigi. Although Mario was able to control his addiction to « Star » Luigi couldn’t. Now living in the streets lost and confused he has forgotten who he is and where he comes from! Always finding the next fix Luigi slowly deteriorates…
Lire la suite sur le site de Robotpencil (via)